KWA Overseer Grade 3: A Look Back at Last Year’s Advice Details & Expected Syllabus
The Kerala Water Authority (KWA), a key department in the state of Kerala, India, plays a crucial role in managing water resources. Among its many roles, the recruitment of Overseer Grade 3 is a significant event that attracts a lot of attention. Let’s take a look back at the details of last year’s advice for this position.
Key Dates
The previous notification for the recruitment was released on 29th December 2018. The application window was open until 30th January 2019, giving candidates a month to apply for the position.
Exam details
The exam was held on 31st July 2021 in an OMR format. This was a significant event, as it marked the culmination of months of preparation for the candidates.
Short List & Main List
The shortlist was published later that year on 21st December 2021. The candidates who secured 65.33 marks and above were included in the main list of the Probability List. The minimum marks were lowered to the extent necessary in respect of the supplementary lists.
A total of 1520 candidates were included in the main list, marking a significant milestone in their journey towards securing a position with the KWA.
Ranked List and Advices

The Ranked List was brought into force with effect from 21st April 2022. This list is a critical component of the recruitment process, as it determines the candidates’ ranking and, consequently, their chances of being selected for the position.
As of the last advice on 18th March 2024, there have been a total of 819 advices. This number represents the candidates who have been advised for appointment to the post of Overseer Grade 3 in the KWA.
Expected Syllabus
This syllabus is not official and it is completely based on the previous year exams of grade 3 exam.
- W/S Calculation and Science (Mechanical) :- Units – British, MKS, SI Units – and their conversions – Length, area, Volume, Mass and Time – Definition of Mass, Weight, Density, Specific Gravity – Determination of Sides and area of triangles, polygons, Circles, segment and sections – surface area and volume of cubes, cylinder, prism, pyramid, cone, sphere – Simpson’s Rule – Application – Area of ellipse – Simple Problems.
- Machine Tools – Safety precautions – study of parts, working, different operation and of lathes – milling machine – shaping machine – slotting machine – planning machine – various attachments – quick return mechanisms.
- Internal Combustion Engines – Engine Parts – two stroke and four stroke engines – petrol and diesel engines – components like carburettor, fuel injector, fuel pump etc. Bearing materials – bearing classifications – frictional and anti-frictional bearings – advantages and applications
- Belt, Gear and Chain Drives – belt materials – types of material – specifications and number coding belt power – belt speed – slip and creep – velocity ratio – pulley ratio – V belt – number of belts for power transmission – gear materials – types of gear drives – velocity ratio – nomenclature of gears –types of gears and application – classification of chain drive – power transmission – positive drive. Cams – types of cams – function of cams – industrial application – types of followers – kinds of motion – displacement diagrams – terms used.
- Machine Drawing – Screw threads – nomenclature of screw threads – nuts, bolts and washers – BIS conventions – cotter and pin joints – riveted joints – welded joints, pulleys, bearings, machine parts, engine parts, valves cam and followers, jig and fixtures. Couplings, pipe joints and pipe layouts, Surface Texture – Limits, fits and tolerances.
- Geometrical Drawing and Engineering Graphics :- Graphic Language – drawing instruments – types of lines –method of lettering – Dimensioning – principles of representation and construction of different types of scales – Recommended scales for drawing with reference to BIS Codes – Construction of Plain Geometrical figures – Construction of conic sections – ellipse, parabola and hyperbola – Miscellaneous curves – involute, cycloid, helix and spiral – theory of projections – types of projections – classification of planes – first angle & third angle projections – projection of points – Lines and Planes – projection of Lamina, Solids – True shapes – section of solids – Intersection of surfaces – developments of surfaces – orthographic projection – Oblique projection – Isometric projection – perspective projection.
- Thermodynamics
- Practice on Computer and Computer Application :- General terms used in Computer, Elementary DOS Commands, Windows commands and their uses, MS Word and MS Office, AutoCAD Introduction, Various AutoCAD commands, use of different terms of AutoCAD, function keys and shortcut keys, knowledge about 2d And 3D modelling, solid primitives, view point, extrude and subtract command, union, Drawing with layers and blocks. Knowledge about layout and printing drawing
- Building Construction – Glossary of terms of building construction and building materials. Names of different parts of the building. Bricks masonry – principles of construction of bonds – English Bond, Flemish Bond, T Joints, Wall Junctions.
- R.C.C. – Introduction, uses, materials, proportions and form work including bending of bars and construction reference of BIS Code. Reinforced brick work. Materials used for RCC, selection of materials, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, cement- water, reinforcement, characteristics. Method of mixing concrete-hand mixing and machine mixing, Slump test.
- Arches :- technical terms, forms-bricks and stone, lintel. Bracket, centering, forms and sizes.
- Door :- Parts of door, Location, sizes and types Windows and Ventilators – including steel window & ventilators – fixtures and fastenings used in doors, window and ventilators.
- Roof : Pitched roof types, roof covering, component parts of roof. Theory of trussing, king and queen post trusses.
- Estimating and Costing – for simple building, specification for different works
- Road, Irrigation – Introduction to roads, general principles of alignment. Classification and construction of different types of roads. Glossary terms of roads, culvert, and irrigation
- W/S Calculation and Science (Civil) – Centre of Gravity, Hooks Law, Ultimate stress and Breaking stress, Moment and Moment of Inertia for different sections, Various types of load and supports, Bending moment, shearing force, Cantilever & Simply supported beams. Bending stress.
- Surveying Chain Surveying – Principles – instruments employed, used, case & maintenance. Field Problems. Field book plotting. Plane table survey – Instruments employed, use, care & maintenance. Prismatic Compass. Planimeter and Pentagraph. Levelling – Instruments and accessories – their uses and description – level book. Differential levelling. Application of chain and levelling to construction. Plotting, preparation of contour, computing earth work by spot level and contours. Setting out work.
- Planimeter –enlarging and reducing of plans, use of proportions, compass and pantographs and their parts
- Curves – Simple curves, Compound curves, transition curves, vertical curves
The journey to becoming an Overseer Grade 3 in the KWA is a challenging yet rewarding one. With rigorous exams and a competitive selection process, it is a testament to the candidates’ hard work and determination. As we look back at the details of last year’s advice, we are reminded of the journey these candidates have undertaken and the milestones they have achieved along the way.
📍We will be launching an exclusive course for Mechanical portions required for KWA GRADE 3 Overseer exam.
📍Those who are interested to enroll , please fill the google form . ( Early Bird Offer for first 100 students )