Become a Govt servant in 2024 itself

Indian Railways – World’s third largest and Asia’s largest railway will soon issue notification to recruit Junior Engineers to various vacant JE posts in Railways. It’s one of the prestigious posts that offers a lucrative salary in a world’s renowned organization. Lakhs of students are eagerly waiting for railways to release the notification as early as possible. So one can easily guess the level of competition prevailing in RRB JE. But At the same time if you follow a proper strategy you can easily crack the JE examination in your first attempt itself. We through this blog
The first step in your preparation is Knowing Basic and fundamental things about RRB JE?
RB JE is a two tier Examination followed by Document Verification and Medical Evaluation conducted by Railway Recruitment Board for the recruitment of suitable candidates to various posts such as Junior Engineer, Junior Engineer (IT) , DMS and CMA.
These posts belong to Group – C service (Non gazetted) with a pay scale of Rs.35,400- 1,12,400 with a grade pay of Rs.4,200. So once you join Railways as a JE your average monthly salary will be about Rs.42000 (varies in accordance with your posting location etc.).
Selection Procedure and Vacancy Status?
In 2018 Railway recruited more than 13000 eligible candidates to the above posts. So this time also we can expect vacancies similar to that of the previous examination.
JE examination is conducted in various zones or RRBs. Kerala is under RRB- Trivandrum. Interested candidates can apply for JE under any one of the zones. Let’s see the vacancy of the last conducted examination in zone wise(2018-19).
Eligibility Criterias:
Age : Min Age 18 years , Max Age 33 years for UR Category, 36 years for OBC- NCL and 38 years for SC/ST. Ex Servicemen candidates have an age relaxation on the basis of their service in defense and category.
Application Fees:
Rs.500: For UR Category Rs.250:SC/ST/Female/Transgender Candidates
Educational Qualifications:
For the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) the candidates must possess either a 3 years Diploma in civil Engineering or Btech in Civil Engineering. For the candidates applying for other branches they have to possess a respective trade’s diploma or Btech Certificate.

Medical Requirements:
The medical requirements published by RRB are shown in this image. Candidates who are applying for RRB JE must go through these criterias and see if they meet the required things.
STAGE -1 Computer Based Examination-1:
This is the preliminary examination of RRB JE and one of the most important also. Only the candidates who score minimum marks prescribed by the various Zones are allowed to sit for the Second Stage Examination. Preliminary Examination is for 100 marks and covers the basic things that we studied in high school. ⅓ marks will be deducted for each wrong answers.
Subject and Marks allotted
Mathematics – 30 marks , General Science – 30 marks , General Awareness – 15 marks and Aptitude – 25 marks
One can easily score 90+ marks in this examination by following this simple strategy
Mathematics: Go through the NCERT text books of mathematics from class 5-10 and Solve previous year problems of this subject asked in various examinations like SSC-MTS , RRB NTPC , SSC-CHSL. Mathematics section includes problems from Ratio proportion, Interests , HCF and LCM , Time and Work , Fractions , Percentage, Number system , Basic Trigonometry, Pipe flow problems , Square root and Cube root , surds , Simple statistics , Algebra etc.. Questions will be basic in nature testing your high school level mathematical knowledge. One can easily cover all these portions within a Week.
For General Science also revise your Science NCERT Textbook from class 5 th to 10th. Questions will be from Physics , Chemistry and Biology that you have studied in your high school classes and its nature will be fundamental and basics only. After revising do mock tests and pyqs from General Science asked in various competitive examinations.
In the case of General Awareness, try to make reading the newspaper daily a habit. It will help you to tackle current affairs questions. Mark the most important National and International events including military exercises between our country and various states , awards etc. For static GK go through the social science text books from class 6 th to 10th (NCERT). Indian independence movement, Geography of India , Indian polity and constitution , Sports ( National and International level) etc are some important topics which you have to focus on.
In the General Intelligence and aptitude section thousands of notes and lectures are available which will help you to cover the whole portions. Try to do as many problems as you can because it will increase your problem solving speed and skills. SSC MTS level Aptitude is more than enough for RRB JE. Do pyqs of aptitude problems asked in IBPS , SSC , RRB NTPC examinations.
Within a month you can easily and effectively complete all the portions. Don’t forget that the first stage let you in to the second stage so take preliminary examination as important as second stage
- Ahmedabad: 65 60 48 43
- Ajmer: 63 58 53 47
- Allahabad: 62 56 49 42
- Bangalore: 53 48 35 34
- Bhopal: 62 54 46 33
- Guwahati: 72 67 63 56
- Jammu: 65 48 42
- Kolkata: 59 54 48 39
- Malda: 73 69 62 54
- Trivandrum: 52 46 38 30
- Bhubaneswar: 61 56 51 48
- Bilaspur: 63 55 46 42
- Chandigarh: 71 62 56 49
- Chennai: 61 48 42 36
- Gorakhpur: 73 67 56 49
- Mumbai: 63 55 44 37
- Muzaffarpur: 74 69 63 55
- Patna: 79 76 69 58
- Ranchi: 75 69 62 56
- Secunderabad: 68 61 54 43

STAGE 2- Computer Based Examination2:
Those who got selected in the first stage will be eligible to write the second stage Computer Based Examination.
Second stage CBT is also similar to that of the first stage and carries 150 marks. ⅓ marks will be deducted for each wrong answers.
Let’s see the subjects and mark distribution for the CBT of JE(Civil)
- General Awareness – 10 marks
- Physics and Chemistry -15 marks
- Basics of Computer Application-10 marks
- Basics of Environmental and pollution – 10 marks
- Civil Engineering – 100 marks
For General awareness , Physics and Chemistry the notes prepared for the CBT-1 is more than enough. In case of Computer application, go through the fundamentals of computer, high school level computer text books and topics likeMicrosoft Office , Devices , Hardwares and Software, Network system , Operating systems , Internet Websites and Email , Hacking, Viruses etc..To tackle Environment and Pollution control prepare topics like Basics of Environment, Water , Air , Soil pollution, Global warming, Ozone depletion, Acid rain etc.. High school level knowledge is expected from the candidates.
Technical part is the most important one in CBT-2 since it carries the most number of questions and marks. Syllabus of this is Diploma level topics of Civil engineering including some Btech level topics can also be asked. Preparation similar to that of SSC JE Preliminary examination is required. Subjects like Building materials, Surveying, Building construction, Engineering mechanics and Drawings including Auto cad , Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics of Solid , RCC , Soil mechanics, Steel structures , Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Estimation and Costing, Construction Project management, Concrete Technology etc.
*Recommend courses to cover entire civil engineering portions are given at the end of this blog. 1-1.5 months is enough for you to complete Civil engineering topics if you dedicate your 100% into it. Amaze academy is providing courses on civil engineering subjects in such a way that you can cover entire portions in a short span.After covering Tech and Non Technical portions you have to do test series and frequent revisions of various topics.*
CBT-2 Cut off of southern region in 2019

*(Marks scored by the candidate are converted into merit index on the basis of normalization. 100+ marks in CBT-2 is generally required for the UR category to get included in the final list ( safer side).)*
STAGE-3 Document Verification:
The documents of eligible candidates are thoroughly checked by the various RRBs and if discrepancies are found the candidate will be made ineligible for the further processes. For those students belonging to Reservation category must produce their community and other certificates during DV. Candidates must acquire the required educational qualifications before the last date mentioned in the notification if not those candidates will be made ineligible.
STAGE 4- Medical Test
Candidates selected must undergo a mandatory medical to test if they possess required medical fitness for the posts. Those who don’t qualify are classified as unfit and won’t be included in the final list. After the medical test RRB will publish the final selected list of candidates.

Important tips:
- After covering all the portions do a maximum number of mock tests and test series.
- Make short notes so that you can revise later.
- Don’t skip Non technical portions since it carries a large weightage in RRB JE Exam.
- Practice Previous year questions of SSC JE and RRB JE.
- Practice simple numerical problems from different topics in Civil engineering.
- Practice, practice, practice!!!
- Constantly revise the portions so that you will get accustomed with all topics.
Recommend Courses and Study Materials
- NCERT text books of Social science , General Science and Mathematics
- AE , JE level Civil Engineering Full Course by Amaze Academy
- RRB JE Non Technical Complete Course
- Rank Booster Questions by Amaze Academy
- Complete Test Series By AMAZE ACADEMY
- Complete Civil Engineering Text Books , Volume 1,2 and 3 by AMAZE ACADEMY