The Centralized Counselling for M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Plan. (CCMT-2024) is a common platform that allows candidates to apply for postgraduate programmes in all NITs, IIEST Shibpur, and some IIITs and CFTIs. This system is based on the GATE score of years 2022, 2023, and 2024.
A Convenient Platform for Online Counselling

CCMT-2024 provides a common and convenient platform for online counselling. Candidates can fill in a single online application form from their home and apply to all programmes in all the participating institutions to which they are eligible.
The Counselling Process
The counselling process of regular rounds consists of the following stages excluding pre-registration:
- Online Registration: This involves the payment of the registration fee, choice filling, and locking of choices.
- Three Rounds of Counselling: These rounds include seat allotment, depositing the seat acceptance fee, submitting willingness, uploading documents, and online document verification.
- Payment of Partial Admission Fee: After the counselling rounds, candidates need to pay a partial admission fee.
- Physical Reporting at the Finally Allotted Institute: Candidates need to report physically at the institute where they have finally been allotted a seat.
In addition to regular rounds, two Special Rounds (SR), and a National Spot Round (NSR) will also be conducted to fill up the vacant seats, if any.
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Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Must have a valid GATE score of the year 2022 / 2023 / 2024.
- In the qualifying degree, the candidates should have passed and secured at least 6.5 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) or 60% for GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC, whereas 6.0 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) or 55% in case of SC/ST/PwD candidates. The above-mentioned CGPA/Percentage should be awarded by a recognized University/Institute.
In case the result of the qualifying degree is awaited, provisional admission is permitted to a candidate subject to meeting the above minimum qualifying degree requirements latest by September 30, 2024.
For certain programmes in a few participating Institutes, special eligibility criteria are applicable. These criteria are given on the CCMT website.
Rules for Seat Allotment
1. Merit List Preparation
The merit for seat allotment will be prepared based on the GATE score of the year filled by the candidate. In case of the same GATE score, to resolve and determine inter-se-merit of candidates, the following criteria will be used in the stated order:
- In the unlikely event of their year of GATE score being the same, preference will be given based on the All India Rank (AIR) divided by total appearance in that GATE paper. The candidate with a lower value will be given preference. ii. In the highly unlikely event of candidates having the same GATE score and AIR/total-appeared, Date of Birth will be considered. The elder candidate will be given preference. iii. In the highly unlikely event of candidates having the same GATE score, AIR/total-appeared, and Date of Birth, the rank will be decided on the basis of Random number generation. The candidate with a lower random number generated will be given preference.
2. Allotment Rules
Seat allotment is based on the merit list, choice list, category of the candidate, and availability of seats. Reservation of seats for various categories is as per the norms of the Government of India. Please refer to the CCMT website for the detailed seat matrix.
3. Counselling Process for Regular Rounds
The Counselling process broadly involves the following stages:
- Online Registration: This includes payment of registration fee, choice filling, and locking. ii. Three Regular Rounds of Counselling: These rounds include seat allotment, uploading of required documents by the candidate, verification of uploaded documents by the verifying officers of the participating institutions, resolution of queries raised, if any, by the candidates, and generation of online document verification certificate. iii. Reporting at the Finally Allotted Institute for Admission: Candidates are required to keep on visiting the CCMT website regularly for any change/update pertaining to physical reporting/fee payment based on any unforeseen situation and deposit of partial admission fee at the CCMT portal. If candidates fail to adhere to such new changes/updates and due to the same any adverse action is taken, they will be solely responsible for the same.
Online Registration, Payment of Registration Fee, Choice Filling and Locking
Online Registration
To participate in the CCMT-2024 Counselling process, all eligible candidates must first register themselves through an online registration process during the specified period (refer Schedule given on CCMT website) by providing GATE credentials, qualifying degrees, personal details, etc.
Payment of Registration Fee, Choice Filling and Locking
Upon successful registration, the candidates will be able to pay the requisite registration fee. The registration fee can be paid using UPI/Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking. The registration fee is as follows:
- ₹ 3,500/- for GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC
- ₹ 3,000/- for SC/ST/PwD
Three Regular Rounds of Counselling
Three rounds of seat allotment and document verification will be conducted, which will be followed by physical reporting at the finally allotted institute.
First Round of Counselling
Eligible candidates for seat allotment are those who have registered for CCMT-2024, paid the registration fee, and filled & saved choices. All the available seats will be considered for the allotment. The choices submitted by the candidates during registration will be processed, and a seat will be allotted based on the merit, as per the rules of allotment.
When a seat is allotted to the candidate, they have to pay the Seat Acceptance Fee through UPI/Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking during the period mentioned in the Schedule given on the website. The Seat Acceptance Fee is as follows:
- ₹ 30,000/- for GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC
- ₹ 10,000/- for SC/ST/PwD
On allotment of a seat and payment of Seat Acceptance Fee, the candidates are required to exercise one of the following willingness online through their login:
- Float: If they wish to be considered in the next round for all of their better-preferred choices (i.e., across the Institutes). ii. Slide: If they wish to be considered in the next round for their better-preferred choices only within the Institute allotted to them. iii. Freeze: If they are satisfied with the currently allotted seat and not interested in their better-preferred choices in the subsequent round(s).
On allotment of a seat and payment of Seat Acceptance Fee, the candidate will have to upload the required documents (as per list mentioned in Annexure-III) through their login for online verification as per the schedule given on the CCMT website. The document verification will be done by the verifying officers of the participating institutes only in the online mode.
With these steps, the first round of counselling is completed
Second Round of Counselling
1. Candidates Eligible for Seat Allotment
Candidates eligible for seat allotment in the current round fall into any one of the following types:
- Type-I: Registered candidates who were not allotted any seat in the previous round.
- Type-II: Registered candidates who were allotted seats in the previous round and deposited Seat Acceptance Fee, but their allotted seats were cancelled during online document verification due to non-fulfilment of any required criterion and are still eligible for Counselling.
- Type-III: Registered candidates who were allotted seats in the previous round, have deposited Seat Acceptance Fee, specified “Float”/ “Slide” as their willingness and got documents verified online successfully. However, candidates with willingness as “Freeze” will also be processed only for category upgradation without changing the seat allotment.
- Type-IV: Registered candidates who were allotted seats in the previous round, deposited Seat Acceptance Fee, got documents verified online successfully, and have exercised “Surrender and Participate in Next Round” option.
2. Seat Allotment
The choices to be considered for allotment will be based on the following rules:
- Float: All the choices above the choice allotted in the previous round will be processed. If no higher choice is allotted based on the merit, then the seat allotted in the previous round will be retained.
- Slide: All the choices (of the Institute allotted in the previous round) above the choice allotted in the previous round will be processed. If no higher choice is allotted based on the merit, then the seat allotted in the previous round will be retained.
- Surrender & Participate in Next Round: All the choices above the choice allotted in the previous round will be processed. If no higher choice is allotted based on merit, then the candidate will proceed further in the counselling process without any seat in her/his hand and the candidate will have no claim on the surrendered seat.
- Freeze: There will not be any change in Seat Allotment, however, such candidates will be processed only for category upgradation.
If the allotted seat is of a better-preferred choice for a candidate who had specified her/his willingness as Float/Slide in the previous round, then (s)he will forfeit the claim on the seat allotted to her/him in the earlier rounds.
3. Payment of Seat Acceptance Fee
Candidates who have already paid the Seat Acceptance Fee in any of the previous rounds are not required to pay again at this stage.
4. Online Submission of Willingness
5. Online Document Uploading
6. Online Document Verification
With these steps, the second round of counselling is completed.
Third Round of Counselling
Eligible candidates for the third round of counselling are the same as those mentioned in the second round of counselling. The procedure for seat allotment, payment of seat acceptance fee, online submission of willingness, online document uploading, and online document verification remains the same as in the second round of counselling.
1. Payment of Partial Admission Fee and Provisional Admission Letter
All the candidates who have been allotted a seat in any of the three regular rounds and have got their documents verified and are willing to confirm their seat will have to pay the partial admission fee on the CCMT portal in the online mode within the stipulated time period.
2. Physical Reporting at Finally Allotted Institute (FAI)
After confirmation of the seat by paying the Partial Admission Fee (PAF), if the candidate does not participate in any subsequent rounds, the candidate must physically report at the Finally Allotted Institute (FAI) as per the schedule given on the CCMT/FAI website.
3. Withdrawal from Admitted Institute after Regular Rounds
After successful online admission in the finally allotted Institute, the candidate may withdraw from the admitted Institute online as per Schedule through her/his login well authenticated by a One-Time Password (OTP). On withdrawal from the admitted Institute, the candidate will not have any claim on the allotted seat.
With these steps, the third round of counselling is completed.
Counselling Process of Special Rounds (SR)
Two Special Rounds (SR) will be conducted for filling the seats remaining vacant after the regular rounds as per the schedule given on the website. The tentative vacant seats for SR will be published on the CCMT website.
1. Online Registration, Choice Filling and Locking for Special Rounds
Candidates eligible for registration for Special Rounds fall into any one of the following types:
- Type-I: Candidates who did not register for CCMT Regular Rounds but are eligible as per the rules mentioned in Eligibility Criteria will be eligible for participating in the Special Rounds.
- Type-II: Candidates who have participated in CCMT Regular Rounds and got admitted on a seat (even if they have withdrawn later) will be eligible for participating in the Special Rounds by doing fresh registration and choice filling.
- Type-III: Candidates who have participated in CCMT Regular Rounds but did not get any seat will be eligible for participating in the Special Rounds by doing fresh registration and choice filling.
- Type-IV: Candidates who have participated in CCMT Regular Rounds, got a seat allotted, however, the seat got cancelled during document verification, but still satisfy the eligibility criteria. Such candidates may also participate in the Special Rounds by doing fresh registration and choice filling.
After the two rounds of counselling, candidates must physically report at the Finally Allotted Institute (FAI) as per the schedule given on the CCMT/FAI website. Please note that the candidates admitted in the Finally Allotted Institute (and not withdrawn) will retain their seat if a new seat is not allotted in the Special Rounds. However, if a new seat is allotted in Special Rounds, the earlier allotted seat will be cancelled.
With these steps, the Special Rounds of counselling are completed.
National Spot Round (Final Mop-Up Round)
The National Spot Round (NSR) will be conducted for filling the seats remaining vacant after the special rounds as per the schedule given on the CCMT website. The tentative vacant seats for NSR will be published on the CCMT website.
Online Registration, Choice Filling and Locking for National Spot Round
Candidates eligible for registration for the National Spot Round fall into any one of the following types:
- Type-I: Candidates who did not register for CCMT previous rounds but are eligible as per the rules mentioned in Eligibility Criteria.
- Type-II: Candidates who have participated in CCMT previous rounds and got admitted on a seat (even if they have withdrawn later) will be eligible for participating in the NSR by doing fresh registration and choice filling. Please note that the candidates admitted in the Finally Allotted Institute (and not withdrawn) will retain their seat if a new seat is not allotted in the NSR. However, if a new seat is allotted in NSR, the earlier allotted seat will be cancelled.
- Type-III: Candidates who have participated in CCMT previous rounds but did not get any seat will be eligible for participating in the NSR by doing fresh registration and choice filling.
- Type-IV: Candidates who have participated in CCMT previous rounds, got a seat allotted, however, the seat got cancelled during document verification, but still satisfy the eligibility criteria. Such candidates may also participate in the NSR by doing fresh registration and choice filling.
1. Seat Allotment
All the available seats will be considered for allotment. The choices submitted by the candidates during registration in NSR will be processed and a seat will be allotted based on the merit.
2. Online Document Uploading
3. Online Document Verification
These steps are the same as those for Regular Rounds as mentioned earlier.
Physical Reporting at Finally Allotted Institute (FAI)
A candidate, after allotment of seat and successful online document verification, must report to the finally allotted institute in-person, along with the required documents, and pay the BALANCE FEE.
With these steps, the National Spot Round of counselling is completed
List of Documents to be Uploaded for Online Document Verification
Candidates are required to upload the colored scanned copy of the following original documents:
- Proof of Date of Birth: Class X marksheet/certificate issued by the school last attended/recognized educational board containing the date of birth of the applicant. In case the Class X marksheet/certificate does not contain the date of birth, the candidate is required to upload the Class X marksheet/certificate and any other Government issued document containing the date of birth of the applicant, name, and parent’s name such as Passport, Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, PAN Card, Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Corporation/authority empowered to register the birth.
- Photo ID Proof: As per Govt. of India norms.
- Mark Sheet of Class XII/Equivalence Certificate.
- Grade/Mark Sheets of Qualifying Examination: For all semesters.
- Degree/Provisional Certificate: If the result of the qualifying degree is awaited, a certificate of course completion from the institute/university last studied or relevant undertaking must be provided in the prescribed format available on the CCMT website.
- GATE Score Card: (2022 or 2023 or 2024).
- Certificate of Category (SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS): If applicable, as per Government of India format, available on the CCMT website, issued by the competent authority. In case of OBC-NCL/EWS category, the certificate must be issued on or after April 01, 2024.
Please note that if the candidate is unable to get the OBC-NCL/EWS certificate issued on or after April 1, 2024, his/her category will be changed on the portal by the Verifying Officer. In this case, the seat of the candidate may be cancelled.
Caste certificate (SC/ST/OBC-NCL) issued by Maharashtra State must be validated by the Social Welfare department (in case of SC and OBC-NCL category) and Tribal Welfare department (in case of ST category) of Maharashtra Government. The SC/ST/OBC-NCL candidates of Maharashtra State have to produce their caste validity certificate in the format available on the CCMT website.
ST certificates from Tamil Nadu state must be issued by the concerned Revenue Divisional Officer. - Declaration by the Candidate on OBC-NCL/EWS Status: In the prescribed format available on the CCMT website.
- Certificate for Persons with Disabilities (PwD): If applicable, issued by the competent authority. Refer to the CCMT website for the format.
In addition to the above documents, the verifying officials will also check the special eligibility conditions, if any, for all the choices including and above the seat allotted to the candidate.
With these documents ready, candidates can ensure a smooth verification process during the counselling rounds. Good luck to all the aspirants!