AAI Recruitment of Junior Executives through GATE 2024
The Airports Authority of India (AAI), a Government of India Public Sector Enterprise, is entrusted with the responsibility of creating, upgrading, maintaining, and managing civil aviation infrastructure both on earth and into the air space in the country. AAI has been conferred upon with the Mini Ratna Category ‐ I Status.
Open Positions
AAI invites applications from eligible candidates to apply online through AAI’s website for the post of Junior Executive (Engineering‐ Civil). There are a total of 90 vacancies available for this position.

Educational Qualification
The candidate should have a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/ Technology in Civil and should be eligible for the GATE 2024 test Paper – Civil Engineering (GATE paper code‐ CE).
Age Limit
The maximum age limit is 27 years as on 01/05/2024.
Application Dates
- Opening Date for receipt of On‐Line Applications: 02/04/2024
- Closing Date for submission of On‐Line Applications: 01/05/2024
The salary for the Junior Executive [Group‐B: E‐1 level] is Rs.40000‐3%‐140000.
Additional Qualification Details
- a) The degree should be from a recognized / deemed university or from an apex Institution i.e. (IIT/IIM/IIMS/XLRI/TISS, etc.) recognized by the Government of India. Degrees/Diplomas (as the case may be) acquired in Open and Distance mode from UGC recognized Universities/AICTE approved courses, wherever applicable, shall be considered.
- b) Pass marks or equivalent for Bachelor’s Degree and also for P.G. Degree/Diploma are required.
- c) Candidates having B.E./B. Tech/ B. Sc. (Engg.) Degree are allowed to apply against the post for which essential qualification is prescribed as Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering.
- d) Candidates enrolled in the final semester (where semester‐system is applicable)/ final year (where year‐system is applicable) on the cut‐off date are allowed to apply, subject to the condition that they must be in possession of the final result at the time of Application Verification, failing which, their candidature will not be considered for further process.
- e) The date of declaration of result/issuance of Mark Sheet shall be considered to be the date of acquiring the qualification and there shall be no relaxation on this account.
Selection Procedure
- Only those candidates, who appeared in GATE‐2024 in the relevant disciplines with respective engineering degree/MCA and have registered their applications on the portal of AAI and are also eligible in all respects shall be considered for further selection process in AAI.
- Application number of the candidates shortlisted for Application Verification will be posted on AAI website only. Call Letters of the shortlisted candidates will be sent to their registered e‐mail IDs.
- During Application Verification, the candidate will have to produce his/her Original Certificates along with a proof of identity and one set of self‐attested photocopies of the Certificates. If the identity of the candidate is in doubt or he/she is not able to produce the requisite documents or there is a mismatch of information in the documents, his/her candidature will be rejected. No additional time will be given for producing original documents.
- On finalization of Application Verification, the provisional selection will be made as per merit list prepared on the basis of GATE Score obtained by the candidates appearing for Application Verification and subject to meeting all other eligibility criteria prescribed for the post.
- The score obtained in GATE 2024 will be taken as the first deciding factor of merit i.e. Candidates having higher scores will be Ranked higher.
- In case more than one candidate secures equal GATE Score, the tie will be resolved by applying the following methods one after another:
- Where GATE scores are tied, candidates older in age shall be placed higher in the merit list.
How to Apply
- Only Indian Nationals fulfilling eligibility criteria shall apply for the above posts. Candidates are required to apply online through the link available on www.aai.aero under the tab “CAREERS”.
- Prior to applying ONLINE, the candidate will have to register his/her email id and mobile number on the online portal. Once registered, the email id and mobile number cannot be changed. Candidates should enter their Name, Father’s Name, and Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation certificate only.
- The candidate must mention his/her correct GATE‐2024 registration number as appearing in GATE Admit Card‐2024. The Application Fee of Rs.300/‐ (Rs. Three Hundred only) is to be paid through ONLINE MODE ONLY. Fee submitted by any other mode will not be accepted. However, the SC/ST/PwBD candidates/Apprentices who have successfully completed one year of Apprenticeship training in AAI/Female candidates are exempted from payment of fee.
For more details, please visit the official AAI website.